First Phase

Soon my first phase of rehab is coming to an end
It’s full of steep ups & downs with so many bends
At times I was frustrated as if I were walking on the thin edge
Sometimes I had to walk on the thin line to maintain my balance
It feels amazing & weird at the same time when I sit in pin drop silence

I’m able to move my left arm & hand, it has become such a big thing
But it’s nerve wrecking to not have tactile sensation to sense & feel different things
Not able to stretch fingers & hold forms is quite frustrating
I’m still not able to understand my new reality, that I must embrace & accept as it is

I was mesmerized & frightened to see all those brain scans
The blood clot has formed the dark spot in my top frame
Sometimes my mind runs with top speed to sense where I am
Sometimes it makes me to think the unthinkable & what I can’t

Soon I’ll be going home to be with my family
Looking forward but nervous at the same time how my body & brain would react
Baby steps I need to take to ground myself & to reset
Telling myself, it’ll be alright, I need some time to regain my confidence
Coz I know well that sky is clear behind those clouds so dense

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