
I’m standing infront of this mirror
Looking at my own reflection
Light & dark is the appearance
The outside is simply shivering
The sensation is sort of feverish
The inside is burning with lyrics

You see my mind is complex, pyramid
It’s kind of unique, mysterious
Some paths lead to crazy, delirious
A few takes to a dead spot, haemorrhage
There’s no escape from there, period
But the eye is dripping transparent, spirit

Perception & the ground has changed instantly
My I sees & observes microscopic mindfully
Jigsawing forms to create meaningful empty
Seesawing the thoughts to find the CoG
Connecting with the source to sea the deep
Stripes on my back coz I’m the still beast

To order my poetry book – Lightning Rhymes, please  click here

You may also follow @navinspoetry_ on Instagram.

©2022 Navin’s Poetry. All rights reserved.
Original photo.

18 thoughts on “Stripes

    1. How sweet of you, dear Tara…that’s a huge compliment & it means a lot to me…thank you so very much…I have no plans to release my second book as of now…thank you very much once again💫 💟✨🙏


      1. What an honour…hey, have you thought of publishing your own book?…your writings are amazing & I would so very much like to get a copy one day 💫


      2. Hi Navin, I have three books published. I also have several short stories in several books and poems in a few others. None of my books are available in ebook and two of them are available only on lulu or through me directly. Thanks for believing in me, friend!


      3. I really didn’t know about that, Tara…I’ve just added Fallen Star Rising in my Amazon’s shopping cart…I’ve always loved your writings…I’m very much looking forward to read your book, my dear friend ✨


  1. Oh Navin, you have described your own magic in this poem…this line reminds me of who you are…not just in this poem, but you, in your life.
    “The inside is burning with lyrics” This is say, I am the poem..and it’s true.. You don’t labor for days over a vague poetic concept or style, you toss the rule book away and over-flow in poetry. You are lives woven intricately in yourself, in your brain, in your emotions. When you put pen to paper, fingers on the keyboard, you are like a fountain of emotion, memories, jigsaw puzzle pieces of a lifetime. This is what makes you such a singular poet..such an exciting read…and makes this poem another glorious example of your living soul and flesh ..You are the poem..this poem is all You!!


    1. Oh wow, I’m blown away by your wonderful, heartfelt & magical words, Karima…one thing is that Poem is me…the other thing is that you’re able to see it in me…”Thank you very much” would be an understatement…but just know this means a lot to me…much more than I can ever put in words…I’m always going to remember these words of yours, dear Karima 🙏✨❤️💫


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