My Serene Kingdom

Wilting under the tilted splinters
Blinking to see flickering clickers
Playing with my sneaky demons
Voicing my cadence with slippery fingers

Creating this path in deadly trackers
Breaking the norms in small fragments
Braking with claws on warm ashes
Picturing the forms with my naked senses

Scanning the heart in pure silence
Spiraling the sky with mindful timings
Spotting the clouds with sharp lightning
Sounding the dark with beautiful thundering

Shining in my eyes when I glimpse a mirror
Signing these lines to refine the present
Sighing this rhyme when I sea the wisdom
Resighting this site to build my serene kingdom

To order my debut book, please click here. It’ll take you to the β€œ” link. My gratitude πŸ™πŸ€πŸ’«

You may also follow @navinspoetry_ on Instagram.

Photo taken by myself.

Β©2021 Navin’s Poetry. All rights reserved

27 thoughts on “My Serene Kingdom

    1. Thank you very much for your beautiful words, my friend Grace…I’m honoured that such wonderful comment comes from you, who masters the flowβœ¨β€οΈπŸ’«


  1. This is some brilliant poetry, the rhythm really captures my attention, keeps me reading with beats of your wisdom and creativity. It takes me on this exquisite journey from the earth, the sky, the trees to the landscape within, and I take the ride joyfully. Breaking the norms in small fragments – speaks to me very clearly. If I try to pick more lines I would end up highlighting each and every line, and yet also the last stanza could be my very favorite. I wish I could write a better appreciation for this masterful piece.


    1. I’m sitting in train & reading your beyond beautiful words…your reflection on my poetry…I’m in awe in this very moment…I’m smiling & my eyes are shining…you wish you could write a better appreciation?…you’re very humble, Pragalbha…you’ve truly captured the essence…the landscape within…I can’t express my gratitude enough for your wisdom…I’m honoured βœ¨πŸ™πŸ’«πŸ’Ÿ


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