Spoken Word – The Slate

I simply felt that I needed to create spoken word of this poem, which is a part of my book – Lightning Rhymes…this is my longest spoken word till date…so please bear with me ✨💟💫

Music is created in GarageBand

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Spoken Word Videos

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24 thoughts on “Spoken Word – The Slate

  1. Oh Navin, I remember this poem from your book, but your reading of it,takes it up another level. The poem is powerful, raw, real feeling..You bring us in as witnesses to the struggles and battles you wage inside your own mind, The rhythm and rhyme of this poem adds to its impacting feel…We are moved, your voice turns scary;nwe feel scared for you…what do you want to do? What will you do? It’s a high point, a crescendo, blood red….and then the bird..the returning to bring you back to peace and calmness, to wipe that slate with its bloody letters and find relief in sleep. “The pure moment without the knife” Yes you know and you tell us, this is not just a rhyme but your internal fight…and we feel your breath slow down, you’ve got this now…and you can do it…another battle won. Brilliant and so moving to hear it in your voice. Naveen.🌹


    1. Wow, I’m like wow…such a wonderful feedback…you truly see me through my lines & voice…when I was recording the spoken work, I did the time travel…I connected to that feeling when I wrote that poem…that little lively bird did bring me back to me…thank you so very much for your wonderful & heartfelt words, Karima…this means a lot to me ❤️


  2. How I enjoy visiting this familiar cave of the mind where all starts shattering all there is and the resilience towards respite finally unfolding into that brilliant joy of living life so alive – and your spoken version brings the right impact as always. It is a joy to engage with your poetry after long and get back into that groove myself too!

    I wanted to leave my response here too – as your poem deserves it as much. I am very happy to be back in the WP space – for now and a joy to connect with your work whenever and wherever I can.


    1. This is truly a Wow factor reflection…your beautiful & heart touching words…I’m honoured…thank you so very much for visiting my WP blog & leaving this wonderful comment…they’re going to stay forever with me…I’m glad to see you in the WP space, Pragalbha 💫


      1. My plesaure truly, I am grateful to be here Navin. One early morn poem that came through urged me to get back here. I am going to say this because I want to – I really wish to have your visit on this poem ()


      2. I’ve just visited your blog & have read your latest poem…let me put this way…I want to comment on it in peace…not in a hurry…thank you for sharing this with me, Pragalbha ✨


  3. I love your vivid powerful honest words that give life and share truths and lessons learned.. truly a masterpiece sitting with your feelings and pain and watching them dissipate as fast as they came. Love this Navin. Nice job!


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