Friends are treasure poem: Dark Ground

Looking out the glass door of my house
The plants & trees appear dark when the night falls
Even the grass appears grey & kind of dead in the dark zone

When the moonlight falls upon the ground zero
It lits up the dark skies & my ground with dimmed neon
The plants, trees & grass are still alive even they appear so dark
They’re talking to each other though it seems silence pin drop
They’re meditating while breathing the fresh air out

When the storm & rains hit from heavens
The roots of these plants & trees hold tight on their grounding
They stand tall & firm in crazy weather instead of fading & falling

The profound movement of each & every leaf that’s hanging around
The beautiful music in ears when wind kiss them gently on the fly
The deep percussion when the raindrops hit the leaves with that sound
And the drop then drips down on to my ground
This ground absorbs those drops to make them even taller & stronger

So let the wind play the music
Let the rains sprinkle the drops
Let the leaves perform the magical dance

I’m that ground, covered with plants, trees & grass
The near & dear ones are the greens that surrounds
The greens are penetrating deeper into the dark ground with their loving trust
This ground is doing its best to make them stand tall & strong during different weathers
But I must first heal myself, else everything attached to me will wither

If you liked this poem, please like & comment here.

You may also follow @navinspoetry_ on Instagram.

© 2020 Navin’s Poetry. All rights reserved.

Poems: Friends are a treasure (1). Offshore writings: She! (2). Dark ground is a spiritual poem about intense relationships.

A poem about anxiety: Silenced Thoughts

I’ve gone speechless in these dark nights
Not able to breathe as if I’m wearing my skin skin tight
Not able to strike words from my slick side
As if my lips are sealed with loctite
But thoughts are racing with top speed in my crazy mind
I’m clenching my jaws & my teeth then grind
My blood is burning as if I’m about to street fight
But I only see myself & my own eyes
Coz I’m the only one standing on both sides
My eyes are heavy & this scene appears blurry from my inside

Am I the only one sensing everything is wrong coz I didn’t understand anything at all?
Am I the one draining energy with my own thoughts?
Am I the one weakening the body by sucking the blood out?
Am I the only one feeling lonely & restless tonight?
Am I the only one trying to sleep hard but the heart is wondering around & falling apart?
Am I the only one soaked up in tears & feeling so cold in this dark night?
Why am I feeling all this & why are my demons laughing at me so loud?

It’s my anxiety, that’s hitting me hard
My energy is quite aggressive & strong
It’s affecting everyone the way I behave & talk
I’m grateful that I’ve been told, that all I need is to calm myself down
Be kind to others than to just point their faults & flaws
So I’m updating my third eye OS to fix my inside & out
How many more times do I need to die to get such wake up calls?

If you liked this poem, please like & comment here.

You may also follow @navinspoetry_ on Instagram.

© 2020 Navin’s Poetry. All rights reserved.

Related: Poems about living with anxiety (1). Attacked: a poem on anxiety (2). Silenced thoughts is one of my best anxiety poems.

Sunshine Blogger Award

I’m honored to have been nominated by Kritika – Undressed Thoughts, for Sunshine Blogger Award. Kritika is an amazing poet / writer and her specialities are poem, prose & short stories. She writes with passion & raw energy. You can check her blog by clicking at

So here I go by answering these questions. It’s the first thing, that’s popping up in my mind

  1. What would you like to do in your free time ?
    A. Write poems, listen to music, cook or simply relax on my comfy couch.
  2. What drives you crazy in life?
    A. Myself when I’m anxious
  3. What kind of person are you, introvert or extrovert ?
    A. At times I’m introvert but mostly extrovert.
  4. Have you gone through any book recently? if yes, please name it.
    A. No, reading book isn’t my cup of tea. On the other hand, I love reading WP blogs.
  5. What you prefer to do in your holidays?
    A. Travel with family to a different country and simply relax without thinking of normal daily routine….recharging.
  6. Do you like any kind of sport?
    A. Yes. Cricket, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, badminton, pool & chess.
  7. Are you a fitness freak person? if yes, name your favorite one.
    A. I would like to be one. Freak I am for sure though. But I do some exercises close to daily due to my rehabilitation program (hit by brain hemorrhage in Nov 2019)….Yoga & machines with weights.
  8. Do you like to listen to music?
    A. I love music crazy much. It’s a part of me.
  9. What is the main thing you like about other’s Blog?
    A. The unique styles. People don’t try to copy each other and they show their raw & vulnerable sides. They pour their heart out.
  10. Do you like to do adventurous things?
    A. I don’t feel the need to give myself an adranil kick. Quiet moments I prefer.
  11. How do you handle the things when bad phase comes in life?
    A. Silence is what I prefer & then I might write a poem to express how I feel. I find it quite therapeutic. If the situation is beyond repair, then I’m a good talker.

Rules of Sunshine Blogger Awards:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Pingback the link (via comment) to the blogger who nominated you.
  3. Answer the questions asked.
  4. Nominate up to 10 bloggers and ask them to answer your 11 questions.
  5. List the rules and display the logo of the Sunshine Blogger Award.

I would like to nominate following bloggers:

  1. Anonymously Hal –>
  2. Lucy’s Work –>
  3. New Lune –>
  4. Mia Winhertt, A Struggling Author –>
  5. Willow –>
  6. Sal’s Innovative Thoughts & Creations! –>
  7. Muttado1sb –>

As for the questions are concerned, I would like you to copy the same questions.

Thank you once again Kritika.

Much love ❤️🙏
