Colorful Theme

A poem – Colorful Theme

I’m trying to close my sleepy eyes so I can finally fall asleep
And I’m covering myself in layers before I impatiently start to freeze
But my anxiety is propping me to fall hard on my once operated knees
So I end up playing in dark this reckless game of hide & scream

I’m seeing countless spots on this black & white transparent plastic sheet
My mind is bleeding red diamonds when I walk barefoot on this edgy street
My numbness is on/off frustrating me, it’s wanting me to switch on my freak
I’m turning blue, so I’m blueprinting a list if you know what I mean

Can you see my lids are carrying these bloody tears?
Can you feel my blood is boiling in my crazy heat?
Can you believe I sometimes feel like torching my entire scene?
Can you even reach when I want to bury my body infinite feet?

But then I dive into your green sea to see me with pure clarity
I play your crystal clear music to string me with sweet melody
I absorb your fine lines to levitate me with this magical imagery
I write the (U’n’I)verse of love when I sense your profound energy

I see the moon is shining with open mentality
I see the stars are burning in azure spirituality
I see the sky is evolving with colorful theme
I see the sun is beaming hope inside of me

This all reset the entire picture of my entangled reality
Love is stitching & healing my scars in peace & prosperity
I know, I’m not leaving yet coz I’ve just come out of catastrophe
You’re my sacred mirror, I can see the white light inside of me

If you liked my poem – Colorful Theme, please like & comment here and follow Navin’s poetry on social media if you wish to.


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39 thoughts on “A poem – Colorful Theme

  1. Wow, really very emotional Navin. You have expressed your true inner most feelings perfectly, leaving your readers feeling some sadness but also hope. You have traveled a rough road now you are healing through love. That’s beautiful and you have written a brilliant beautiful poem. Both the pain and love can be felt deeply. Your an amazing writer. Thanks for sharing such delicate pieces of your soul with the world. As it’s lovely to read. Wonderful piece Navin 😊🌹


    1. Thank you very much for your heartfelt words….they mean a lot to me….I’m glad you could feel the emotions….you’re always there with your beautiful support ❤️✨💫


  2. this was a powerful poem Navin shedding light on all of our emotions that we have from time to time and giving voice to the challenges of situations and feelings and riding them to the other side of light, peace and tranquility!
    Beautifully Crafted Dear friend. ❤️👏👏👏👏❤️


  3. Navin, this is a masterpiece. What a gorgeous poem.

    “But then I dive into your green sea to see me with pure clarity
    I play your crystal clear music to string me with sweet melody
    I absorb your fine lines to levitate me with this magical imagery
    I write the (U’n’I)verse of love when I sense your profound energy”


  4. “I can see the white light inside of me”, that’s so beautifully written, Navin. I also find that red and green are opposite colors of the color wheel, which brings out the message you share about pain and healing. ❤


  5. The way you’ve captured each of the colours in their uniqueness to you is brilliant. As always the emotion leaps of the page and draws us readers in. Thank you for sharing Navin. ♥


  6. Wow this is so deeo my friend. Yoy write this dark emotions so perfectly…. I really admire this talent of yours.. I don’t know why I am not able to comment on the previous posts. Take care.. Hope you make a come back soon


    1. Thank you very much, my friend….I really appreciate your kind words & support….the reason you aren’t able to comment on those posts is that I’ve deactivated the comment section….take care 😊


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