Spoken Word – The Free Flow

The anatomy of my soul is smoked in ashes with bold & if I try to extract the pure essence, then my whole will only hold the unwanted dark holes

You see the highs & the lows are the waves that splash & roar in rows in search of the very unknown in an open space that’s yet to be explored

So I keep healing my inner sores that are still bleeding the very core to steel breathing my mystical form so I steep soaring in the infinity zone

I am the free flow that see through my deep soul & then I tiptoe in my being mode to free me from my beast mode to seek peace & bring the sweet hope

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A poem – Colorful Theme

I’m trying to close my sleepy eyes so I can finally fall asleep
And I’m covering myself in layers before I impatiently start to freeze
But my anxiety is propping me to fall hard on my once operated knees
So I end up playing in dark this reckless game of hide & scream

I’m seeing countless spots on this black & white transparent plastic sheet
My mind is bleeding red diamonds when I walk barefoot on this edgy street
My numbness is on/off frustrating me, it’s wanting me to switch on my freak
I’m turning blue, so I’m blueprinting a list if you know what I mean

Can you see my lids are carrying these bloody tears?
Can you feel my blood is boiling in my crazy heat?
Can you believe I sometimes feel like torching my entire scene?
Can you even reach when I want to bury my body infinite feet?

But then I dive into your green sea to see me with pure clarity
I play your crystal clear music to string me with sweet melody
I absorb your fine lines to levitate me with this magical imagery
I write the (U’n’I)verse of love when I sense your profound energy

I see the moon is shining with open mentality
I see the stars are burning in azure spirituality
I see the sky is evolving with colorful theme
I see the sun is beaming hope inside of me

This all reset the entire picture of my entangled reality
Love is stitching & healing my scars in peace & prosperity
I know, I’m not leaving yet coz I’ve just come out of catastrophe
You’re my sacred mirror, I can see the white light inside of me

If you liked my poem – Colorful Theme, please like & comment here and follow Navin’s poetry on social media if you wish to.


© 2021 Navin’s Poetry. All rights reserved.

For more information, I encourage you to check the Home and About me pages.